Tenha uma visão geral de todos os resumos de The Guardian.
Jan Grue
For all the advances that have been made in recent decades, disabled people cannot yet participate in society ‘on an equal basis’ with others – and the pandemic has led to many protections being cruelly eroded
Sirin Kale
Meet the people pursuing the pleasure of leisure
Sandy Milne
The pandemic prompted a surge in the use of workplace surveillance programs – and they’re not going away any time soon
Elle Hunt
Here Are the 17 Questions to Ask Yourself First
Samanth Subramanian
The Detectives Untangling the Global Supply Chain
Jonathan Quick
Um vírus perigoso, ainda desconhecido, tem o potencial de exterminar milhões de pessoas. No entanto, os órgãos de saúde pública estão paralisados pelo comodismo.
A dangerous virus, as yet unknown, has the potential to wipe out millions of us. Yet public health bodies are mired in complacency.
David J. Epstein
Why focusing too narrowly is bad for us
Paul Tullis
Sam Knight
How one giant company will dominate the way the whole world sees.
Louisa Lim and Julia Bergin
Lauren Zanolli
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