Aperçu rapide des résumés de Wiley.
Hortense le Gentil e Caroline Lambert
Liberte a sua voz, lidere com empatia e faça a sua luz brilhar
Alastair MacGregor e Tom Lewis
O guia da sua organização para repensar o clima, a resiliência e a sustentabilidade
Mary Abbajay
How to Move up, Win at Work, and Succeed with Any Type of Boss
Caroline Adams Miller
The Science of Setting Them, Achieving Them, and Creating Your Best Life
Suketu Gandhi et al.
Cinco princípios para os líderes vencerem em um mundo volátil
Dermot Crowley
How to Move from Friction to Flow and Work Better Together
Sol Rashidi
Scraped Knees, Bruised Elbows, and Lessons Learned from Real-World AI Deployments
Marty Cagan
Moving to the Product Operating Model
Garrick Jones and Paul Ashcroft
Digital Humans and Their Organizations
Clarke Murphy
Lessons of Vision, Courage, and Grit from the CEOs Who Dared to Build a Better World
Jacob Morgan
Desbloqueie o seu maior superpoder para transformar você, sua equipe e sua organização
Five Principles for Leaders to Win in a Volatile World