A Higher Standard
Leadership Strategies from America’s First Female Four-Star General
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On June 23, 2008, former US president George W. Bush nominated Ann Dunwoody to become America’s first female four-star Army general. Dunwoody deserves tremendous credit for working her way up and puncturing the Army’s “brass ceiling.” An exceptional all-Army, all the time, performer and role model, she tellingly recounts her inspiring professional saga. She also offers useful, if not so original, leadership insights, such as “build a team that routinely does routine things in an outstanding manner.” Her neat, well-told stories and insights from inside the military are very intriguing. However, if you’re counting, some numbers aren’t consistent, such as budget estimates. Nonetheless, getAbstract recommends her intriguing autobiography to up-and-comers seeking leadership role models, especially women; to service members past and present; and to anyone drawn to public service and to public servants who exemplify leadership.
About the Author
General Ann Dunwoody, US Army (Ret.) is the former general of one of the Army’s largest units, the US Army Materiel Command. Dunwoody is the Army’s first female four-star general.
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