Big Data
A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think
ISBN: 9780544002692
Pages: 256
Professor Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Economist data editor Kenneth Cukier make sweeping claims about big data. The authors describe a tidal wave of data that evokes crucial economic, medical and even philosophical questions. This book is so enthusiastic that you might need to take some of the claims with a grain of salt. That said, the pages crackle with energy and describe implications for everyone and every business. If only a tenth of what the authors claim is true, they are describing a fundamental change in the world – and they underscore the fact that this is only the beginning of the big data revolution. getAbstract recommends this futurist manifesto to those interested in how technology changes society, in cyberculture or intellectual history, and to those who must deal, one way or another, with big data.
About the Authors
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger is professor of Internet governance and regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute. Kenneth Cukier is data editor at the Economist.
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