The Life and Crimes of the World's Greatest Art Forger
Tony Tetro’s confessional memoir provides a riveting, inside view of the multimillion dollar business of art forgery. Convincingly forging masterpieces goes well beyond just having the necessary artistic talent. Tetro carefully selected the right paints, canvases and frames, and invented a credible provenance for each fake. Even so, his success hinged in many ways on the widespread complicity of art dealers and others who knew his works were fake but bought them anyway. Tetro faced legal punishment for his forgeries, but today wealthy clients hire him to produce paintings in the styles of Dalí, Degas and Monet. The difference is that now he can claim them.
About the Author
Tony Tetro continues to paint in the style of famous painters for private clients. Journalist Giampiero Ambrosi discovered Tetro’s inadvertent connection to Prince Charles’ art forgery scandal and later leaked it to the Mail on Sunday.
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