Business Models, Architecture, and Components
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It’s tough to pick up a magazine or turn on the television these days without someone telling you that you must turn your company into an e-company in order to survive. But once you get past these exhortations to “embrace change,” it’s surprisingly hard to find any practical advice on how to integrate e-commerce into your company’s business plan. Therein lies the value of Faisal Hoque’s e-Enterprise, which disposes of generalities and plunges headlong into an explanation of online business models, applications, architecture and tools. Hoque’s exhaustive blueprint will help executives and managers bite the techie bullet with its encyclopedic guide to the the building blocks of the e-Enterprise.
About the Author
Faisal Hoque has worked on Net commerce initiatives with GE Capital, Dun and Bradstreet, Pitney Bowes, General Electric, MasterCard, American Express, Transamerica, Chase, and CompUSA. He founded three companies: KnowledgeBase, a transaction-processing software company; EC Cubed, an e-commerce application components company, and enamics, an e-Enterprise modeling company.
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