To learn about any subject, turn to the experts. To learn about military strategy, turn to Sun-Tzu’s The Art of War. To learn about hitting home runs, read The Art of Hitting by Ted Williams. To learn about investing, study The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. To learn about sales, read this specialist’s guide by sales guru Dave Kahle. He walks you through his “Kahle Way Sales Process,” explaining what to do at every stage to advance and close a sale. He promises that if you follow his time-tested method faithfully, you can surpass your sales quotas, no matter what you sell. Kahle also packs his book with valuable inside tips. Although Kahle’s volume won’t win prizes for innovation, getAbstract recommends his excellent presentation to up-and-coming salespeople and to more experienced sellers who want to do better.
About the Author
Dave Kahle is president of DaCo Corporation, a sales training and consulting firm. He is the author of nine books and numerous multimedia training products.
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