It's About Time
The Competitive Advantage of Quick Response Manufacturing
After his 1998 groundbreaking guide to “Quick Response Manufacturing” (“QRM”), Rajan Suri returns with a concise edition that takes on a how-to perspective and explains the system’s core concepts. You need not be an engineer or expert in manufacturing to understand how Suri turned former conventional wisdom on its head with respect to how companies can make their operations more efficient and customer-oriented. Suri details all aspects of QRM so that any company can benefit from his instructions. Step by step, you can follow his examples to see how QRM uses time-based analysis to reduce costs and improve outcomes.
About the Author
Rajan Suri, PhD, is professor emeritus of industrial engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He founded the Center for Quick Response Manufacturing and was its director from 1993 to 2007. In 2006, he received the Albert M. Sargent Progress Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers for creating and implementing the QRM philosophy. Updates and appendices for this book are available under the “additional resources” tab at www.crcpress.com/9781439805961 online.
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