Leading So People Will Follow
ISBN: 9781118379875
Pages: 220
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Consultant and leadership development expert Erika Andersen draws on storytelling to illustrate six attributes you must master to become a great leader. Andersen explains that you need to become “farsighted, passionate, courageous, wise, generous” and “trustworthy” in order to lead. As you strive to become a leader, she advises seeking help from three kinds of people: wise “wizards,” supportive “well-wishers” and improbable “wild cards.” Andersen includes a link to an online leadership assessment exercise and a bonus chapter on improving your listening and “self-talk” skills. getAbstract recommends her chatty, informal guidebook, which draws archetypes from folktales and business to illustrate how to become a leader people want to follow.
About the Author
Erika Andersen is the founding partner of Proteus International where she works as a management consultant, coach and leadership development expert.
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