Publicity for Nonprofits
Generating Media Exposure That Leads to Awareness, Growth, and Contributions
This well-organized book is about publicity as opposed to public relations. That distinction is critical for anyone who wants news media coverage for a nonprofit organization. Sandra L. Beckwith covers everything you need to start a basic publicity campaign, including a list of tools. She tells you how to devise and implement a publicity plan. This basic, practical guidebook contains numerous checklists, examples, guidelines and tips for every conceivable activity a nonprofit organization's publicity person might undertake to help it attract media attention. Although veteran professional nonprofit publicists may find some of the instructions too basic, getAbstract recommends this as a worthwhile reference for most people who are handling publicity for charitable organizations. And, it is a positive gold mine for inexperienced volunteers.
About the Author
Sandra J. Beckwith, an award-winning public relations consultant, worked with a large national consumer products company and the world's largest public relations firm for a total of 25 years.
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