Targeting the Job You Want
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The mantra has been repeated so often that it’s become a clichŽ: Worker loyalty has disappeared, making every job temporary. Author Kate Wendleton repeats the obvious facts about the increasingly transient work force, but goes beyond the apparent as she supplies inventive ways to approach your career decisions. Her most intriguing suggestion is that you should use a "Seven Stories Approach" to develop your "Forty-Year Vision." The stories help you discover what you’re really passionate about so you can build a long-term vision to guide you meaningfully through your career. While the book is repetitious at times, it offers useful examples of job hunters who used Wendleton’s tactics to improve their careers. getAbstract recommends this book to anyone who is interested in a fresh approach to career change, and to human resource professionals who want to know how applicants are (or should be) thinking.
About the Author
Kate Wendleton founded The Five O’clock Club in 1978 to help job hunters and career changers. Wendleton is a syndicated columnist and an expert on job searches and career development. She holds an M.B.A. and was chief financial officer for two small companies.
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