The Definitive Guide to Business Finance
What Smart Managers Do with the Numbers
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You’d expect a book on business finance to be dry, dull and soporific – that is, a great cure for insomnia. Well, wake up, because Richard Stutely’s manual on numbers for nonfinancial managers blows a bracing gust of fresh air into a stale subject. The business expert’s witty asides, funny anecdotes and tongue-in-cheek approach make for a relatively painless introduction to the basics of number crunching. More important, he focuses on making sense of figures and data and on applying the knowledge they provide. getAbstract suggests this instructive guide to new managers who seek a primer on business finance; business students who need a comprehensible revision aid; seasoned nonfinancial executives, who will refer to it again and again; and novice business owners, who’ll find that its easy-to-use layout really helps make the material accessible.
About the Author
Richard Stutely is an author, educator and Microsoft-certified professional with extensive experience in corporate finance.
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