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The Selling of Free Trade

The Selling of Free Trade

Nafta, Washington, and the Subversion of American Democracy

Hill and Wang, 2000 mais...

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Editorial Rating



  • Controversial
  • Analytical
  • Background


John MacArthur, editor of Harper’s Magazine, is a persistent, resourceful and thorough reporter with an unapologetic opinion about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). MacArthur makes no attempt to disguise his disdain for the trade pact, which he describes as a measure designed to institutionalize US exploitation of Mexican workers, or for the politicians, businessmen and lobbyists who supported it. In researching this book, MacArthur interviewed many of the key national and international players who helped create NAFTA and found rare interviews with others. He illustrates the debate by presenting an analysis of NAFTA’s impact on workers at a US factory and on the Mexicans who replace them. Ironically, he paints such an effective portrait of the inner workings of the Mexican maquiladoras factories that US business leaders reading this book might be further enticed to relocate. The finest features of the book are its exhaustive treatment of the law-making process and its lucid judgment of the Washington establishment. getAbstract recommends this book to students of politics or international trade, business leaders interested in gaining insight into the antiglobalization movement, and anyone seeking to pass a bill in Congress.


  • NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, was not a true trade agreement but an investment agreement designed to reassure American manufacturers that it was safe to locate in Mexico.
  • NAFTA exists to entice American manufacturers to exploit Mexico’s cheap labor, weak liability laws and lax environmental enforcement.
  • NAFTA was never intended to create jobs in the United States.

About the Author

John R. MacArthur is an award-winning journalist and author. He has been president and publisher of Harper’s Magazine since 1983.