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An Extraordinary Journey Through the World's Strangest Brains

Ecco, 2018 mais...

Editorial Rating



  • Scientific
  • Concrete Examples
  • Engaging


Meet a man who thinks he’s a tiger, a woman who gets lost going to the bathroom and a doctor who doesn’t merely empathize with his patients but feels exactly what they feel. Join science writer Helen Thomson for a journey through the inner workings of the human brain. She discusses the cases of nine patients, giving context to what otherwise might be faceless statistics in medical lore. Thomson’s tales of how these patients’ “unusual” brains affect their lives sheds light on the workings of the brain and on the capabilities most people take for granted. Thomson describes how different areas of the brain are involved in different aspects of consciousness and spends a worthy amount of space detailing how – despite a wealth of incredible scientific discoveries about brain function – the essence of human consciousness remains mysterious and unquantifiable. Her profiles will intrigue anyone fascinated by the twists and turns of human nature.


  • Much of what we know about brain function derives from studying cases of “unusual” brains.
  • Bob never forgets a moment of his life. He creates memories just like the average person, but his brain considers many more memories important enough to consolidate and retain.
  • Sharon sometimes looses her sense of orientation. Her mental map of the world doesn’t seem to align with reality.

About the Author

Helen Thomson is a consultant for New Scientist and writes for The New York Times, Nature and the BBC.

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