Circle of Innovation
You Can't Shrink Your Way to Greatness
First Edition: 1997 подробнее...
ISBN: 9780375401572
Pages: 544
Tom Peters, the well-known management consultant and seminar leader who co-authored In Search of Excellence, emphasizes the critical importance of organizational innovation in response to massive changes in society, technology and business. Companies that don’t innovate will vanish in today’s flood of transformation and competition. Peters highlights major business shifts, such as the growing professionalism of the work force, the trend toward decentralization and the increasing power of the consumer. His prescription is destruction, change, innovation and revolution. Catchy slogans, quotes and exclamation points galore highlight his major points, such as look for the "WOW! factor" and "Think Brand!" In the spirit of innovation, the book is written in a jazzy style with big space-eating photographs, bold graphics, splashy headlines, illustrations, jumbo quotes and pumped-up graphics. The format, drawn from Peters’ corporate presentations, is a distraction, but getAbstract.com recommends Peters’ book to managers who seek his core lesson: how to help your organization succeed in a changing world.
About the Author
Tom Peters is the co-author of In Search of Excellence (with Robert H. Waterman) and A Passion for Excellence (with Nancy Austin) and the author of Thriving on Chaos, Liberation Management and The Tom Peters Seminar.
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