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From Malthus to Mars

From Malthus to Mars

How to Live, Lead, and Learn in an Exponential World

Fast Company Press, 2023 подробнее...

Editorial Rating



  • Innovative
  • Eye Opening
  • Visionary


Over the last 200 years, the pace of change has accelerated to a mind-boggling speed, and it’s unlikely to slow down. The exponential growth of human innovation means that your life in 10 years’ time is likely to look very different from how it does today. If this seems like a scary thought, futurists Lars Tvede and Nicolai Chen Nielsen will put your mind at rest. Their whistle-stop tour of humanity’s possible future depicts a world of abundance. On top of that, they equip you with all the tools you need to embrace and successfully navigate whatever’s coming your way.


  • The majority of human innovation has taken place in less than 1% of human history.
  • Going from standstill to innovation requires five critical elements: compact units, cooperative networks, common codes, change agents and competition.
  • Innovation is unlikely to stop any time soon because of three innovation accelerators: connectivity, combinatorial explosions and computerization.

About the Authors

Lars Tvede is an investor, serial entrepreneur and futurist. Nicolai Chen Nielsen is an entrepreneur, educator and adviser on leadership development, personal growth and organizations of the future. He is also the co-author of Return on Ambition, which was shortlisted by getAbstract as of one of the five best business books in 2021.

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