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Andrew Leigh and Joshua Gans
Innovation + Equality
How to Create a Future That Is More Star Trek Than Terminator
MIT Press, 2019
Что внутри?
Innovation spurs inequality. How can you create a more just future?
Today’s world is more technologically advanced than ever, but remains vastly unequal. Many workers lose jobs to automation and start-ups struggle as successful large firms enjoy record-high returns. Joshua Gans, chair of an innovation and entrepreneurship program at the Rotman School at the University of Toronto, teams up with politician and former economics professor Andrew Leigh to explore how innovation shapes inequality – and how to create a better future. Drawing from economics, entrepreneurship and technology, their argument boils down to one idea: You don’t need inequality to innovate.
About the Authors
Joshua Gans is a professor and chair of an innovation and entrepreneurship program at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School. Andrew Leigh is an Australian politician and former economics professor.
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