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A review of


Are You Indispensable?

Seth GodinPortfolio • 2010

The Go-To Person

by David Meyer

Don’t fear fear itself. Be creative and original, embrace self-discipline and, perennial bestseller Seth Godin asserts, you can become a linchpin.

Seth Godin, the founder and former CEO of the Squidoo publishing platform, is the almost unbelievably prolific, successful and influential author of the bestsellers Tribes, All Marketers Are Liars and We Are All Weird, among others. 

If you absorb Godin’s unceasingly enthusiastic advice to excel on all fronts, you may end up as a star – or, conversely, as overworked and underappreciated. His antidote to mediocrity and conformity is so convincing it may foment the unintended consequence of making you the go-to person for your entire organization. Godin stipulates that everyone faces a choice: You can live day after day, year after year, going through the motions, doing work devoid of excitement and imagination. Or you can choose uniqueness and ingenuity by becoming a linchpin – an invaluable, indispensable employee, the center of your company’s activities.