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Roger Boyes
Meltdown Iceland
Lessons on the World Financial Crisis from a Small Bankrupt Island
Bloomsbury USA, 2009
Что внутри?
Iceland, the first victim of the 2008 global recession, continues to suffer the economic, political and cultural consequences.
Most people aren’t familiar with Iceland, an isolated, homogenous, near-Arctic island. Now, thanks to Roger Boyes’s wonderfully told tale of its financial collapse, readers can learn what happened to the economy, politics and culture of this unusual, mostly-frozen nation. Iceland was the unlikely first victim of the 2008 global financial collapse – the actual canary in the coal mine. Its financial excesses, cronyism and poor governance serve as a microcosm of the problems facing large capitalist nations. Boyes’s financial case study flows like a novel. He is unafraid to draw biting conclusions from his detailed presentation: here, villains are villains, greed is greed, names are named. This fast-moving story puts the global fiscal meltdown into perspective: the 2008-2009 international economic crisis began in this lone, cold outpost and then burst into global flames.
About the Author
Roger Boyes is an award-winning correspondent. He has written about Western and Eastern Europe for the past 30 years for the Financial Times and the Times of London. He has been reporting from Iceland since 1976, when he went there to cover on the Cold War.
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