More Sales, Less Time
Surprisingly Simple Strategies for Today’s Crazy-Busy Sellers
From MORE SALES, LESS TIME by Jill Konrath. Summarized by arrangement with Portfolio, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN: 9781591847267
Pages: 256
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Salespeople face intense, unremitting, psychological pressure. If they don’t sell, they don’t eat. Jill Konrath, author of Agile Selling and other well-regarded sales manuals, conducted extensive secondary research on the most effective time-management and productivity techniques for salespeople. She reviewed and analyzed the work of neuroscientists, psychologists, time-management experts, cognitive behavioral specialists, psychiatrists, sleep researchers and business innovators. Here, she synthesizes and presents – perhaps a bit repetitiously – her extensive, practical findings. getAbstract recommends her productivity strategies to salespeople, account executives, entrepreneurs, consultants, sales support personnel and businesspeople.
About the Author
Jill Konrath is a globally recognized sales strategist, author and speaker. Her other books include Selling to Big Companies, SNAP Selling and Agile Selling.
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