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Global Agenda Council on Conflict Prevention Editorial Board
Natural Riches?
Perspectives on Responsible Natural Resource Management in Conflict-Affected Countries
World Economic Forum, 2013
Что внутри?
Developing countries must cope with the attendant evils of resource extraction.
The 12 authors of this collection of nine articles are shareholders in some aspect of resource development. The Global Agenda Council on Conflict Prevention asked these experts to consider the successes and failures – mostly failures – of resource extraction projects in developing countries. They present many caveats and suggestions aimed at achieving happier results. They identify risks that project developers should avoid or reduce, such as institutional and economic inadequacies, and lack of social cohesion. This complex problem has no single solution, but this collection – while suffering from some of the redundancy endemic to reports with multiple authors – proves informative and timely. getAbstract believes it will be useful to executives in the extraction industries, government planners, human rights activists, local officials and anyone with an interest in lifting the “natural resource curse.”
About the Author
The 25 writers, editors, peer reviewers and members of the Global Agenda Council on Conflict Prevention Editorial Board are international resource development stakeholders.
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