Negotiation Genius
How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyond
ISBN: 9780553804881
Pages: 368
This strong book on negotiation offers a lot that is new and valuable. Authors Deepak Malhotra and Max Bazerman are realistic. They know how often people run on automatic pilot when negotiating, how they can miss opportunities due to bias and narrow vision, and how many common beliefs about negotiation are wrong. They provide tools and strategies that let readers address these failings. They illustrate their insights and advice with many real world examples, large and small. Many of their suggestions are not easy to follow. It takes humility and rigorous honesty to admit your biases, and lots of effort to correct them. But if you’re willing to do that kind of work this book will fundamentally improve how well you negotiate. getAbstract recommends it to anyone who is serious about negotiation.
About the Authors
Deepak Malhotra teaches negotiation at the Harvard Business School. Max Bazerman, who also teaches there, has written more than 100 articles, and written or co-written more than a dozen books, including Judgment in Managerial Decision Making.
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