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Diana Howles
Next Level Virtual Training
Advance Your Facilitation
ATD, 2022
Что внутри?
Gain a comprehensive understanding of every element required to design and conduct successful virtual learning.
This comprehensive and detailed guide to best practices in virtual training offers more than 100 practical tips for facilitating successful live online and hybrid learning, including concepts such as blended learning and the “flipped classroom.” Training expert Diana Howles builds her advice around her “Virtual Training Capability Model.” This model delves into eight areas of expertise, spanning the entire design, delivery, evaluation and improvement process. Newcomers to live online learning will benefit most, but even experienced facilitators will find this guide a useful resource.
About the Author
Diana L. Howles is a master trainer for live online and blended learning. She is a past president of the Association for Talent Development, Madison, and a regular presenter and keynote speaker at conferences worldwide.
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