Play Bigger
How Pirates, Dreamers, and Innovators Create and Dominate Markets
ISBN: 9780062407610
Pages: 272
In this intriguing study of the stars of the new economy, a group of Silicon Valley consultants explores the concept of “category kings.” Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Uber exemplify this new breed of companies noted for bold vision, dominant market position, hefty profits and princely valuations. With detailed portraits from the real world, authors Al Ramadan, Dave Peterson, Christopher Lochhead and Kevin Maney compellingly describe what constitutes a category king and why entrepreneurs should strive for this vaunted status. However, when the authors turn to describing how to become a category king, their task gets harder. That’s to be expected. Creating a category king requires a special type of alchemy, and a simple recipe would ring hollow. getAbstract recommends this analysis to entrepreneurs seeking a playbook and to investors looking for insight into a fast-changing landscape.
About the Authors
Al Ramadan, Dave Peterson and Christopher Lochhead founded Play Bigger, a Silicon Valley consulting firm. Kevin Maney is a veteran technology journalist.
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