The Brand Bubble
The Looming Crisis in Brand Value and How to Avoid It
John Gerzema and Ed Lebar have written an exceptionally clear, pertinent book about the declining value of brands and why the world’s largest brand names are in flux. Using proprietary data, the authors vividly explain how brand clutter has created a marketing bubble. Since brands are such an important part of any corporation’s value, the authors contend, the total valuation of this brand bubble will dwarf the mortgage bubble. The authors identify and analyze the branding problem, and then make recommendations about how to solve it. The book’s one drawback is that it becomes repetitive, especially in the later sections. Still, the authors’ timely, compelling argument should resonate with branding professionals. getAbstract recommends this book to marketers who want a better understanding of how lack of creativity makes brands deteriorate, and of how they might be able to resurrect the brands that are still salvageable.
About the Authors
John Gerzema is Chief Insights Officer for Young and Rubicam Group, and an account-planning pioneer. Ed Lebar is CEO of BrandAsset® Consulting, and oversees Y&R’s brand strategy and research. Under his leadership, BrandAsset® Valuator has grown to include more than 500,000 consumers, 38,000 brands in 48 countries, and 250 studies. He is a former economics professor.
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