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Tim Marshall
The Power of Geography
Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World
Scribner, 2021
Что внутри?
Geography, as the popular saying goes, is destiny – and it determines the world’s future.
Journalist Tim Marshall offers up an old but often-overlooked lens through which to comprehend the world: geography, which he argues has always influenced political events and always will. He looks at 10 areas around the planet – and even above it – that are each grappling with momentous issues, like migration, climate change, technology and renewable energy. Though he covers a great deal of material, he peppers his facts with entertaining anecdotes from his career as a front-line journalist. Marshall’s valuable text draws readers’ attention to the Earth’s frequently unnoticed but important regions – including space.
About the Author
Tim Marshall is a journalist, author and broadcaster. His books include Prisoners of Geography and The Age Of Walls.
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