The Prepared Leader
Emerge from Any Crisis More Resilient Than Before
Erika H. James, dean of the Wharton School, and Lynn Perry Wooten, president of Simmons University, focus on the COVID pandemic, a disruptive crisis on a global scale that challenged corporate, social and political leaders in unprecedented ways. Better management of the situation could have meant less suffering, however. Crises are inevitable, so leaders must prepare. The authors, who speak from experience rooted in academia, held history-making roles guiding their institutions during the pandemic. Now, they offer a reference manual for leaders whose futures may well depend on preparation.
About the Authors
Erika H. James is the first woman and first person of color to serve as dean of the Wharton School. Lynn Perry Wooten is the ninth president of Simmons University and its first African American president. Wooten also co-wrote with Susan MacKenty Brady and Janet Foutty the Wall Street Journal bestseller Arrive and Thrive: 7 Impactful Practices for Women Navigating Leadership.
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