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The Shame Machine
A review of

The Shame Machine

Who Profits in the New Age of Humiliation

Cathy O'NeilCrown • 2022

Send in the “Shame Clowns”

by David Meyer

Bestselling author of Weapons of Math Destruction Cathy O’Neil offers a brilliant diatribe against the “shame machine” and all its pernicious machinations.

Cathy O’Neil convincingly argues that today’s pervasive public shaming metastasized with the advent of digital media and that it continues to multiply and spread via marketing, social policy, and social media. She is also the author of Weapons of Math Destruction and the CEO of ORCAA, an algorithmic auditing firm.


Since prehistoric times, communities have used shame to enforce group cultural norms and to discourage behavior – such as selfishly hoarding food – that may harm the group.

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