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Chris Brogan and Julien Smith
Trust Agents
Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust
Wiley, 2009
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Today, leveraging the power of the web can help you win consumers’ trust.
Archimedes, the Greek mathematician and inventor, once said, “With a lever large enough, I can move the world.” Today, the internet can be that potent lever “for increasing the power of what you do,” according to social media gurus Chris Brogan and Julien Smith. The most effective way to use the web to improve your brand’s “influence, reputation and profits” is to become a “trust agent” online. That requires developing strong, sustaining relationships with consumers who believe in you, respect you and see you as a helpful resource, credible expert and honest person. In this illuminating, witty guide, the authors explain who trust agents are, what makes them special and – most important – how you can become one. getAbstract recommends Brogan and Smith’s tales of what individual trust agents have been able to accomplish in cyberspace. You’ll realize all over again that the internet is a remarkably interactive, powerful medium – a lever indeed capable of helping you move the world.
About the Authors
Chris Brogan is co-founder of PodCamp, which sponsors “UnConferences” for social media enthusiasts and professionals, including bloggers, podcasters and social networkers. Julien Smith, a trend analyst, has directed web communities for more than 10 years.
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