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You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus

You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus

Most cases are not life-threatening, which is also what makes the virus a historic challenge to contain.

The Atlantic, 2020
References: Bai et al. (2020)

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You’re washing your hands, practicing social distancing and coughing into your arm like a good citizen, but will this stop the spread of COVID-19? Your efforts may slow the spread, which offers social benefits, but the ship probably already sailed when it comes to actually stopping the virus. So will the world be able to pull it together and limit impending global disaster? James Hamblin, MD explains the barriers to a happy COVID-19 resolution in this article from The Atlantic, and describes what would be necessary for effective global responses to future pandemics.


  • Milder symptoms make for deadlier viruses.
  • COVID-19 may be impossible to contain.
  • COVID-19 may join the common cold and flu as a seasonal hazard.

About the Author

Dr. James Hamblin lectures at the Yale School of Public Health. He’s a regular contributor to The Atlantic, and author of Clean, which will be released in July 2020.

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