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The Staff of Duke Corporate Education
Building Effective Teams
Leading from the Center
Kaplan Publishing, 2005
Что внутри?
Put middle managers back to work with effective team-building strategies and leadership goals for the global market.
Two words – middle management – often provide the punch line for comic strips and business jokes. But many people misunderstand the role of middle managers. When they work as team leaders, middle tier executives can dramatically improve a company’s competitive performance. In clear language, this book from Duke Corporation Education outlines a solid case for using middle managers as team leaders. Its examples and formulas are straightforward, albeit a bit dry at times. getAbstract thinks that all managers, particularly those in the middle ranks, will find that this book gets straight to the point with unvarnished insights and practical guidance.
About the Author
Duke Corporate Education is run by Duke University, and includes a diverse team of academics and business experts.
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