Lead Right for Your Company’s Type
How to Connect Your Culture with Your Customer Promise
ISBN: 9780814437995
Pages: 224
An oil-drilling field boss hired a sensitivity consultant to work with his crew. The consultant asked the crew members to describe their feelings for each other. They were uncomfortable and silent. This was a misapplication of sensitivity training. How oil rig workers feel about each other isn’t as relevant as how they handle the drill. Many leaders mistakenly assume that the management techniques that are good for one business are beneficial to all businesses. Implementing the wrong approaches and policies can damage your firm. Consulting psychologist and scholar William E. Schneider provides valuable information on tailoring your policy and management approach to four different types of enterprises – “customized, best-in-class, enrichment,” and “predictable and dependable.” Knowing what will work requires an astute understanding of your business. Organizational leaders can make good use of Schneider’s insights, charts, diagrams and assessment resources.
About the Author
Consulting psychologist William E. Schneider, PhD, co-owns Corporate Development Group, a Colorado leadership and organizational development firm.
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