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Brian Boxer Wachler
Perceptual Intelligence
The Brain’s Secret to Seeing Past Illusion, Misperception, and Self-Deception
New World Library, 2017
Что внутри?
Why’d you buy that cheesy souvenir? Blame low “perceptual intelligence” – and learn how to improve yours.
What do the choices to buy cheap souvenirs, send a birthday present even when you don’t want to, or watch pornography have in common? They all involve your “perceptual intelligence” or PI. Physician Brian Boxer Wachler, an expert on vision and perception, explains PI, the aspects of your mind that sort truth from wishful thinking, self-deception from reality-based intuition and impulse from reason. His entertaining, ambitious treatise looks into human behavior, political activities and daily interactions. He raises fascinating, relevant issues about the complex ways people see the world. While never offering medical advice, getAbstract recommends his useful overview, which includes suggestions for improving your PI, critical thinking, self-understanding, health and self-control. His vivid examples and breezy tone may make the reasoning seem casual. Don’t be misled; his well-researched conclusions are educational and entertaining.
About the Author
Brian Boxer Wachler, MD, is a staff physician at Cedars Sinai Medical Center and medical director at the Boxer Wachler Vision Institute.
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