Succeeding with Senior Management
Getting the Right Support at the Right Time for Your Project
Senior executives and project managers generally fail to communicate because they see things so differently. Experienced project manager G. Michael Campbell shows project managers how to build bridges with senior management. Top executives usually think about the overall picture while project managers must focus on getting specific things accomplished. Project managers need to find sponsors among senior managers, build relationships with top executives early in a project’s life and keep them apprised throughout. Campbell goes into great detail about issues vital to project success. His advice, charts, diagrams and lists of points to remember will help newer project managers and those who supervise them.
About the Author
G. Michael Campbell, PMP, is president of MCA International in Texas. He has worked as a project manager for more than three decades, handling projects in construction, human resources and information technology. A frequent public speaker, he also wrote The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Project Management and Communication Skills for Project Managers.
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