Tomorrow’s Lawyers
An Introduction to Your Future
The legal profession is usually pretty stable. For decades now, young attorneys could make reliable assumptions about their futures at law firms or in-house legal departments. But according to legal futurist Richard Susskind, the profession of law is about to change fundamentally. During the past 25 years, Susskind’s legal industry predictions have been proven accurate, so his description of likely dramatic future changes for lawyers is credible. getAbstract recommends Susskind’s analysis (some of which is more current diagnosis than future prognostication) to young lawyers, partners and anyone with ambitions in the field of law. Older attorneys and leaders of law firms and in-house legal departments will benefit by considering Susskind’s predictions and making the operational changes needed to stay current.
About the Author
Richard Susskind, president of the Society for Computers and Law, holds professorships at Oxford University, University College London, Strathclyde University and Gresham College. He also wrote The End of Lawyers.
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