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Corrado Giulietti, Mirco Tonin and Michael Vlassopoulos
When the Market Drives You Crazy
Stock Market Returns and Fatal Car Accidents
CESifo Group Munich, 2018
Что внутри?
Stock market declines are a road hazard, like drunk driving and texting behind the wheel.
According to the US National Safety Council, more than 40,000 Americans died as a result of vehicular accidents in 2017, largely due to drunk, distracted or unbuckled drivers. However, a seemingly obscure rationale could also factor into these casualties. Economists Corrado Giulietti, Mirco Tonin and Michael Vlassopoulos investigate a curious uptick in motor vehicle fatalities following declines in daily equity returns. Investors will find this academic report a fascinating examination of the role of emotion in stock markets.
About the Authors
Corrado Giulietti and Michael Vlassopoulos are economists at the University of Southampton in England. Mirco Tonin is an economics professor at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in Italy.
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