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YNM EP 47: 6 Steps to Break Through a Plateau in Your Career
2022Jun 7
In nearly every professional's career, there is a time where you start to feel like you’ve plateaued and hit the proverbial glass ceiling. In my work as a career + leadership development coach, I see this frequently with high-achieving professionals who’ve been in their role for a minimum of 3 years. Instead of staring at the clock wishing it was 5pm, and it’s still saying 9:30am; it’s important that you take control and change the direction and narrative of your experience.  Join us in this Episode as Kimberly shares her 6 steps to get unstuck, beat career plateau, and create your own career development plan! Have career and leadership development questions? Email Kimberly at Learn more about Kimberly Brown and download a free career strategy template // Read the book // “Next Move, Best Move: Transitioning Into a Career You’ll Love” Follow Kimberly on social media //   / kimberlybonline     / kimberlybonline     / kimberlybonline     / kimberlybonline  
Your Next Move Podcast
Kimberly Brown

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Kimberly Brown

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