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Brad Smith and Carol Ann Browne
The Promise and the Peril of the Digital Age
Kara Swisher
A Tech Love Story
Ernest R. May and Richard E. Neustadt
The Uses of History for Decision Makers
Samantha K Brooks et al.
Rapid Review of the Evidence
Jacques Pelkmans
What is says, what it means – and is it feasible?
Jason Mikula
Opportunities, Challenges, and Risks of New Banking Business Models
Luke Mullins and Brody Mullins
The Secret History of How Big Money Took Over Big Government
Verity Harding
How We Can Change AI’s Future and Save Our Own
Shaun Rein
Finding the Opportunities in China's Economy in the New World Order
Christopher Beam
The ubiquitous rise of add-on fees and personalized pricing has turned buying stuff into a game you can’t win.
Raj Varadarajan et al.
Nathaniel Arnold et al.
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