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Ideapress Изложения

Все изложения Ideapress Publishing

7 Book

Free Time

Lose the Busywork, Love Your Business
Jenny Blake
Ideapress, 2022
8 Book

Going on Offense

A Leader’s Playbook for Perpetual Innovation
Behnam Tabrizi
Ideapress, 2023
8 Book

Good Authority

How to Become the Leader Your Team Is Waiting For
Jonathan Raymond
Ideapress, 2018
9 Book

The Transparent Sales Leader

How The Power of Sincerity, Science & Structure Can Transform Your Sales Team’s Results
Todd Caponi
Ideapress, 2022
9 Книга


Как изменить курс, когда дела идут все хуже
Лиза Гейбл
Ideapress, 2021
9 Книга


Семь секретов самых устойчивых, ориентированных на сотрудников организаций
Джош Берсин
Ideapress, 2022
9 Book


The Seven Secrets of the World’s Most Enduring, Employee-Focused Organizations
Josh Bersin
Ideapress, 2022
9 Book


How to Change Course When Things Are Going South
Lisa Gable
Ideapress, 2021
9 Book

The Amazon Management System

The Ultimate Digital Business Engine That Creates Extraordinary Value for Both Customers and Shareholders
Julia Yang and Ram Charan
Ideapress, 2019
8 Книга

Жесткий разрыв

В защиту стиля жизни 24/6
Арон Эделхайт
Ideapress, 2018
8 Book

The Hard Break

The Case for a 24/6 Lifestyle
Aaron Edelheit
Ideapress, 2018
8 Book

The Transparency Sale

How Unexpected Honesty and Understanding the Buying Brain Can Transform Your Results
Todd Caponi
Ideapress, 2018