Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Matt Holt Books.
Mark Miller
La guía del líder para crear la ventaja competitiva definitiva
The Leader's Guide to Creating the Ultimate Competitive Advantage
Kim Hvidkjaer
The Science Behind Why 90% of Companies Fail – and How You Can Avoid It
Paul Sheard
How Governments and Banks Create Money and Help Us All Prosper
Michael Urtuzuástegui Melcher
How to Create, Maintain, and Leverage the Relationships That Will Transform Your Career
Stela Lupushor y Solange Charas PhD
Invierta en su gente para obtener un rendimiento empresarial óptimo
Don Hyun Kiolbassa
A Buddhist Martial Arts Approach to Your New Business
Paul LeBlanc
How Our Social Systems Are Failing Us and How We Can Fix Them
Christian Bason y Jens Skibsted
Estirar el futuro mediante el diseño
Erica Schultz and Mike Schultz
The 9 Habits of Extreme Productivity
David Kronfeld
Proven Insights to Accelerate Your Career
Stela Lupushor and Solange Charas PhD
Invest in Your People for Optimal Business Returns
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