Все изложения Oxford UP
Athene Donald
Why We Need More Women in Science
Ben Shneiderman
Timothy J. Galpin
Tools, Templates, and Best Practices Across the M&A Process
Ilan Kelman
How Our Actions Turn Natural Hazards into Catastrophes
Sarah Harper
Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson
Hidden Motives in Everyday Life
Laura Empson
Power, Politics, and Prima Donnas
Duncan Green
Деннис Кэри, Дэйтон Огден
Управление человеческими ресурсами при заключении сделок
William N. Goetzmann and K. Geert Rouwenhorst
The Financial Innovations that Created Modern Capital Markets
Alan D. Morrison and William J. Wilhelm Jr,
Institutions, Politics, and Law
Gillian Butler and Tony Hope
The Mental Fitness Guide
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