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Daniel Han Ming Chng, Tae Kim, Brad Gilbreath and Lynne Andersson
Why People Believe in Their Leaders – or Not
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
What's inside?
Two discrete qualities determine a leader’s credibility.
“Leadership is the relationship between people who aspire to lead and those who choose whether or not to follow,” begins this highly applicable article by business professors Daniel Han Ming Chng, Tae-Yeol Kim, Brad Gilbreath and Lynne Andersson. Whether people follow, the authors say, depends on a leader’s credibility. Learn which two qualities make you credible and how you can embody and express them.
About the Authors
Daniel Han Ming Chng, PhD, is an associate professor of strategy. Tae-Yeol Kim and Brad Gilbreath are management professors. Lynne Andersson is an associate professor of human resource management.
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