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Alicia Menendez
The Likeability Trap
How to Break Free and Succeed as You Are
HarperBusiness, 2019
What's inside?
Women face conflicting demands: to exhibit leadership qualities and to be likeable.
Journalist Alicia Menendez dissects the challenges facing women in the workplace and the public sphere as they try to navigate passage between the rock of “likeability” and the hard place of leadership qualities. Using research and anecdotes, she discusses why people see women who exhibit strength and achievement as cold and underhanded, but perceive warm, generous women as weak and incompetent. Menendez underscores the personal and economic cost of these biases and how businesses and society must change the way they evaluate and treat women.
About the Author
Alicia Menendez anchors a weekend news program on MSNBC and hosts the podcast Latina to Latina.
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