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Siobhán Creaton
How a Small Irish Airline Conquered Europe
Aurum Press, 2005
What's inside?
Ryanair: the airline so cheap, it almost never got off the ground, eventually found its wings by saving your wallet.
The story of how discount airfares came to Europe is no fairy tale. This book is a disturbing story about the underside of deregulating Ireland's airline industry. It's a tale of temperamental executives, overspeculation, greed, government intervention, mistreated customers and the challenges of free market operations. Given a wealth of material and an exciting industry, author Siobhán Creaton delivers a well-written, engaging corporate tale. The cast includes a combustible mix of powerful personalities who sometimes, but not always, tolerate each other. There is also a revolving door of top executives who serve the company's purposes and leave, as well as horror stories about how cost cutting created festering customer relations. Creaton packs this into an exciting story that moves quickly, though it rambles now and then. getAbstract recommends this compelling profile to anyone interested in corporate case studies, executive management or modern aviation.
About the Author
Siobhán Creaton is the financial correspondent for The Irish Times. She previously co-authored Panic at the Bank.
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