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James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner
A Leader's Legacy
Jossey-Bass, 2006
What's inside?
Leadership lessons for managers who want easy tips on inspiring their employees.
In this easy-to-read, well-organized inspirational book, authors James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner show you in 21 short chapters what it takes to become a leader. The essays are concise and transparent, and the numerous examples will inspire anyone who needs a boost in leadership energy. Some material is repeated, basic or familiar, but the book offers a great deal of wisdom about motivational leadership and making your mark. If you'd like a short but solid manual on leadership issues to read on the airplane or over the weekend, getAbstract recommends tossing this into your carry-on or briefcase.
About the Authors
James M. Kouzes is executive fellow at the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University, where Barry Z. Posner is dean and professor of leadership.
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