Building a Great Resume
For Job Hunters, Career Changers, Consultants and Freelancers
Nationally-syndicated columnist and career expert Kate Wendleton zeroes in on the most effective approaches to resume writing, beginning with developing a compelling statement of your accomplishments. She explains how to show the results of your work, outline the benefits you bring prospective employers and present your strong points effectively. She includes exercises to guide your deliberative process, plus before-and-after resume samples. These makeovers demonstrate how you can turn a routine resume into an interview-generating powerhouse. Much of the book is taken up with sample resumes, which are helpful models for writing yours though they may be pretty dull to read. In addition, Wendleton also provides specific tips on how to phrase and design your resume. While recommending this manual to job hunters, getAbstract has determined that if you read these hints carefully, you can just skim the examples until you find one that meets your needs. Wendleton - and you may well say ’thank you’ here - both shows and tells.
About the Author
Kate Wendleton is a nationally syndicated career columnist and authority on job search and career development. A career coach since 1978, she founded The Five O’Clock Club to help job hunters, career changers and consultants, and started the not-for-profit Workforce America to serve adult, non-managerial job hunters in Harlem. The former CFO of two small companies, she holds her MBA and has 20 years of business experience.
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