Building Influence in the Workplace
How to Gain and Retain Influence at Work
ISBN: 9780230237735
Pages: 224
Developing influence at work is a skill you can and must learn. British psychologist Aryanne Oade, a knowledgeable, practical teacher, presents case studies that demonstrate how to employ influencing techniques to sell your ideas and yourself to your colleagues. At the end of each chapter, the author asks you illuminating questions based on your own experience. While Oade’s contribution isn’t deep in new ideas, she does provide a good orientation, and her advice helps you consider other people’s perspectives. getAbstract recommends her insights to anyone who wants to boost their influence. Everyone who works with other people will find it helpful.
About the Author
Psychologist Aryanne Oade founded Oade Associates, a coaching and development practice. She is the author of numerous books about common workplace problems.
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