Hedge Fund Risk Fundamentals
Solving the Risk Management and Transparency Challenge
Hedge funds are complex, risky investment vehicles. Other funds, such as most equity mutual funds, have straightforward investment strategies. By contrast, equity-oriented hedge funds may engage in various trading practices and investment strategies. They may be short funds, long-short funds or market neutral funds. And equity-oriented hedge funds are only a small sliver of the hedge fund universe. Thus, assessing the risk of hedge funds is a challenge. In language intelligible to most lay readers, author Richard Horwitz lays out the issues to consider when evaluating hedge fund risks. He has accomplished a great deal merely by writing this in readable prose, instead of in equations. He also explains his company’s hedge fund risk measurement system. getAbstract believes every hedge fund manager and anyone who even thinks of investing in a hedge fund should read this book.
About the Author
Richard Horwitz is senior vice president and director of risk management and performance analytics at Kenmar Global Investment Management Inc., a fund of hedge funds located in Greenwich, Connecticut, and a frequent contributor to Risk magazine.
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