Hoover's Vision
Original Thinking for Business Success
In this intriguing volume, entrepreneur Gary Hoover, founder of Hoovers Inc., the corporate data Web site, lets readers tap into his lifetime of business experience. Much of his advice is intriguingly simple. To be a successful entrepreneur, Hoover says, figure out what people want, then find a way to give it to them. Hoover’s instructions on thinking creatively are particularly useful. His observations about the state of global trade are, perhaps, less useful. Readers won’t learn much from his pronouncements that China is poised to become the world’s largest economy, or that India and Brazil have risky economies with great potential. Still, Hoover offers readers plenty of rewarding material about how to build their entrepreneurial curiosity and mental scope. getAbstract recommends this resource to entrepreneurs who want to hone their analytical skills.
About the Author
Gary Hoover, a strategic planner who advises entrepreneurs, began his career as a Wall Street analyst. He founded one of the first book superstores and launched Hoovers, Inc., a Web site that provides information about corporations.
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