How to Talk with Sick, Dying and Grieving People
When There Are No Magic Words to Say (Resources on Faith, Sickness, Grief and Doubt)
Rev. Patrick Riecke outlines specific guidance for supporting the grieving, sick or dying – and their friends and family. A hospital chaplain, he writes from a Christian spiritual perspective, including using biblical quotes. His advice is broadly applicable, including for managers helping workers affected by illness and loss. He provides reference lists of the right and wrong things to say to people who are grieving, ill or dying, and to their families. Managers will find the book and its lists very useful. Few people can help during hard times, but being present the right way is “important work.”
About the Author
The Rev. Patrick Riecke, a minister for 20 years, is a director for Parkview Health where he heads the ethics committee. For a free wallet card listing what to say and not say during a hospital visit, see PatrickRiecke.com/resources.
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